27-29 November 2018
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
Asia/Kolkata timezone
Programme schedule and list of participants updated

Exhibition and Advertisement


An exhibition is planned to be organized during the days of the meet (35th DAE SOHPM-2018) showing safety cultures by different institutes. The manufacturers/sellers of safety equipments may also participate in this meet and show their products such as personnel protective equipments, fire prevention & protection systems, medical & rescue systems, safety & environment monitoring equipments etc. This exhibition offers a unique opportunity for wide publicity of safety products and equipments showcasing the products profile to a large audience of Safety and Medical Professionals.

Moreover, the technical proceedings of the meet will be released by the Chief Guest during the inaugural function. These proceedings will also be a part of the delegate’s kit and be distributed to the various dignitaries of DAE and other units. Advertising in the technical proceedings of the meeting will also attract a lot of distinguished viewers.

Rates for booking stalls for exhibition and advertisements for proceedings are given as below:

1.0: Exhibition

Stall Size: 3 m (Width) x 3 m (Length)

Rate: ₹ 45,000/-

2.0 Advertisement in Proceedings/Souvenir

  • Back cover page outside : ₹50,000/-
  • Back cover page inside : ₹30,000/-
  • Front cover page inside : ₹40,000/-
  • Full page : ₹25,000/-
  • Half page : ₹15,000/-

In case you are interested in booking a stall for exhibiting your products and/or giving an advertisement of your organization/products in the proceedings, you may communicate at the email: sohpm2018@vecc.gov.in on or before 25th Oct, 2018 November 15, 2018 November 20, 2018. Payment in advance may be transferred electronically in Bank Account details as below:

Beneficiary Name



Account No.






Bank Name (In full)


State Bank of India

Branch Name


SBI A.E. Market Br.



Salt Lake Sector 1/AE Block,
Kolkata – 700 064, West Bengal

Account Type


Current Account

Please also note that:

  • The organizers will be making allotment of the exhibition stalls on first-come-first-serve basis
  • Advertisement matter in soft as well as hard copy is to be sent to the below mentioned address on or before 25th Oct, 2018 Nov. 15, 2018 Nov. 20, 2018.

Anjan Dutta Gupta

Head, Mechanical Engineering Group
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. Of India,
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700 064

FAX: 033-23346871 Phone: 033-23183198

email: sohpm2018@vecc.gov.in



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