We invite PhD students, postdocs and young scientists/faculties (below the age of 35 years as on 31/12/2023) to submit one-page proposals for conducting experiments utilizing the K500 Superconducting Cyclotron at VECC. The proposals should include the following details:
- Personal details (name, affiliation, position)
- Required beam Species:
- Required Beam Current:
- Target Element(s):
- Detector Systems:
- Required Beam Time in Hours:
- Physics Motivation of the Experiment:
The proposals should be sent to success2023@vecc.gov.in on or before 19 December 2023 (2 pm). Selected submissions will have the opportunity for short presentations (10 mins. each) during the theme meeting, and outstanding proposals will be awarded.
Submission Tips:
- Current beam species considerations include: 14N (18-30 MeV/A), 16O (19 -23.5 MeV/A), 20Ne (18-22 MeV/A), and 36Ar (18-21.5 MeV/A).
- Experiments using charged particle detectors at the general-purpose scattering chamber can be readily performed.
- Additional experiment options are also anticipated in the near future.
We look forward to your participation, and innovative proposals!