7-10 February 2023
Blue Lily Beach Resort, Puri, Odisha
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Testing of station-1 GEM prototypes of CBM-MuCh in mini-CBM(mCBM) experiment at GSI

7 Feb 2023, 14:55
Hall 1 (Sapphire)

Hall 1 (Sapphire)

Oral Presentation Upcoming facilities, upgrades, and instrumentation Parallel Session IA (Chair : Dr Lokesh Kumar)


Chandrasekhar Ghosh (VECC, Kolkata)


CBM is a fixed target heavy-ion experiment at the FAIR facility of GSI Darmstadt, Germany, for
studying the QCD matter at high net-baryon densities and moderate temperature with heavy-ion collisions in the energy range of 2-11~AGeV (for Au nuclei). A Muon Chamber (MuCh) chamber system will perform the task of dimuon detection at CBM. It consists of alternating detector stations and absorber layers. Large area triple GEM detectors will be employed in the first two stations of MuCh, where the particle rates reach up to about 400 kHz/sq. cm. in the inner zones. The detailed detector layout will be discussed. As part of FAIR phase-0 program two full-size prototypes with 2000 readout pads have been commissioned in the mCBM experiment at GSI for tests in nucleus-nucleus collisions of 1-2 A GeV. Data have been acquired in self-triggered mode, using a dedicated STS/MuCh-XYTER self triggered readout chip. The detectors have been tested with nucleus-nucleus collisions for varying beam intensities. First detailed response of the GEM detectors will be reported. The challenging aspects of time based event building and results highlighting the observation of spatial correlations between MuCh modules and other detector systems revealing a time-synchronous response from a free-streaming data will be discussed.

Primary author

Chandrasekhar Ghosh (VECC, Kolkata)


Anand Dubey (VECC) Apar Agarwal (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)

Presentation Materials

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