7-10 February 2023
Blue Lily Beach Resort, Puri, Odisha
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Model study of directed flow of light flavor hadrons, resonances and light nuclei

10 Feb 2023, 15:00
Hall 1 (Sapphire)

Hall 1 (Sapphire)

Oral Presentation Hydrodynamics, vorticity and spin polarization Parallel Session IVA (Venue : Hall 1/Sapphire, Chair : Prof. Amaresh Jaiswal)


Tribhuban Parida (IISER Berhampur)


Directed flow is understood to be sensitive to the initial conditions of heavy ion collisions and is used to constrain the initial matter profile. However, in the present study we have shown the importance of the $v_1$ of resonances and light nuclei which probes some additional physics of heavy ion collisions. We have proposed a model for the initial energy and net-baryon density which is able to describe the directed flow($v_1$) of light flavor hadrons and the observed $v_1$ splitting between baryons and anti-baryons. Inorder to probe the effect of hadronic stage on $v_1$, we have calculated the directed flow of resonances like $K^{*0}$ and observed a dominant effect due to the rescattering of $K^{*0}$ with the pion rich medium. More interestingly, we have observed that the directed flow of deuteron and triton which are sampled thermally from the freezeout hypersurface has different trend as compared to the deutron and triton obtained from coalscence model. With the model calculation of deuteron and triton $v_1$, we will demonstrate the relevance of quark coalescence model. Further, the effect of critical equation of state on the $v_1$ of identified particles and on the splitting between baryon and anti-baryon directed flow will be discussed.

Primary authors

Tribhuban Parida (IISER Berhampur) sandeep chatterjee (IISER Berhampur)

Presentation Materials

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